One-Year Certificate of Christian Ministry 25 Units Total


(25 UNITS)

Core Courses

Old Testament Survey (2.5 units) 5 Week Course

 A survey of the books of the Old Testament with a view to understanding

 how they lay the foundation and find their fulfillment in the New

 Testament revelation of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and how

 they equip the people of God for every good work by teaching,

 reproving, correcting and instructing in righteousness.

New Testament Survey (2.5 units) 5 Week Course

 A survey of the books of the New Testament with a view to understanding

 how they fulfill the hope and promises of the Old Testament for a

 savior and deliverer and how they equip the Body of Christ for

 every good work by teaching, reproving, correcting and instructing

 in righteousness.

Biblical Interpretation: How to Study Your Bible (1.5 units) Weekend Seminar

An introduction to the inductive, direct method of the study

of Scripture focusing on observation, interpretation, correlation and

application, so the student may “rightly divide the word of truth” for

both personal study, growth and public teaching and preaching.

Biblical Theology: the Kingdom of God (2.5 units) 5 Week Course

A study of the theology of the New Testament in its historical setting

with a major focus on Christ’s teaching on the Kingdom of God as the

foundation for ministry in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Christian Spiritual Formation (2.5 units) 5 Week Course

A study and practice of the basic disciplines of spiritual life which nourish inner life, growth and transformation by the working of the Holy Spirit through “means of grace.”

Communication: Biblical Teaching and Preaching (2.5 units) 5 Week Course

A study of the art and practice of preparation and public communication of biblical truth in teaching and preaching for the building up, lifting up and stirring up of the Church, the Body of Christ.

Church History (2.5 units) 5 Week Course

An overview of the major ecclesiastical “streams” which have characterized the life and progress of the Church since the Day of Pentecost with a view to understanding key individuals and events and their contributions to the historical development of the Christian Church.

Disciples of All Nations: Continuous Mission Until He Comes (1.5 units)

A biblical, historical, and practical study of the four-stage process that develops reproducible and expanding church movements through discipleship.

Missions Outreach (1.5 units) Saturday Seminar

Participation in an urban, local or overseas missions outreach accompanied by guided reading and the writing of a ministry-focused paper on reaching under-evangelized and unreached people.

Ministry Seminars

Seeing the World With Hebrew Eyes: Embracing a Biblical Worldview (1.5 units) Weekend Seminar

This seminar explores the worldview inherent to the biblical writers and assumptions that constitutes the Hebraic thought world of the Scriptures. The “Jewishness” of the Bible is proposed as essential to proper biblical interpretation, Christian belief, and to living a truly Christian life.

The Book of Revelation (.5 unit) Saturday Seminar

A seminar focused on examining the Book of Revelation and its purpose in its original context and setting.

Maintaining Sound Doctrine (.5 unit) Saturday Seminar

A seminar focused on the essential truths of the Christian faith that nurture sound doctrine and godly living as well as learning how to identify and deal with false and unsound teaching.

More Saturday Seminars to be developed.

**Internship (required) Ministry Mentoring Internship (3 units: 1 unit per trimester)

A guided practical application of classroom instruction in the field of assigned ministry each trimester (Fall, Winter, Spring) through the oversight and regular interaction with a pastor, pastoral staff member or Christian ministry leader. Mentors function as coaches and counselors, meeting with their student at least twice a month for prayer, counsel and interaction concerning ministry, personal growth and leadership development.