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Connecting Students with Kingdom Provision

CVSOM Scholarships

Many of the students in CVSOM come from low or middle-income situations. We have young people just starting out, Bi-vocational Pastors of small churches who rarely get paid, and Parents working full-time to make ends meet. Despite the extremely low cost of the school and flexible payment options, the cost still places a quality Christian education outside many of their reach. This is where scholarships come in. We don't want anyone who feels called to take their next steps in Ministry with CVSOM to be limited by the cost.

We are able to set up many different types of scholarships.

  • Individual Scholarships - for specific people
  • Individual Scholarships - for a type of person
  • Scholarship Funds - for multiple or many students
  • Memorial Scholarships - In memory of a loved one
  • Business or Organizational Scholarships

Note: Scholarships are set up through our ministry partners at The Legacy Christian Church. The button below links to their secure website. 100% of scholarship funds go directly to fund students in CVSOM.