Step 3 - Personal Testimony

Tell us about your relationship with Jesus

Writing your personal testimony

You're doing great! This next step should be pretty easy. We want you to take a few minutes to tell us about your relationship with Jesus. We want to know details about things like: 

  • When did it start? What was going on in your life?
  • How and why did it start? 
  • Why is it important to you? 
  • What was it like at the beginning?
  • How is it now?
  • How do you feel about Jesus?
  • What do you think your life would be like without Jesus?

Writing Suggestion: Try to write your testimony without directly listing any of the questions above. Instead of simply answering each of the questions, read them over and then, understanding what kind of information we are looking for, use them as a writing prompt to share with us about your relationship with Jesus. When you are done, you should be able to re-read the questions and find all of the answers in the testimony you have written. 

Submitting Options

In the form below you have two options for submitting your testimony.

Option #1 - Write your testimony in another program, save it as a Word document (doc. docx.) or pdf. and then upload it below.

Option #2 - Write your testimony in the form itself. This option is easy but has some drawbacks. You are limited in your ability to see what you have written and if you lose connection to the internet or you navigate away from this page all that you have written will be lost.

You are almost finished! One more step to go! After you submit you Personal Testimony press on Step 4 - Why CVSOM to complete your application process.